Nichols Fire District

Serving and Protecting Nichols with Pride since 1917

Mission Statement

The Mission of the Nichols Fire District as it has been for the last 100 plus years is to protect and serve the citizens of Nichols and surrounding communities with superior fire suppression and rescue services.

It is our intent to supply fire education to our citizens AND their children with dedication and pride from our Fire Department members. Those Fire Department members receive continuous training, and are equipped with state of the art fire suppression and rescue equipment via the support from the Nichols Fire District taxpayers which allows us to continue this rich tradition.

NFD Promotions & Swearing In Ceremony - February 4, 2025

Steve Lambrinakos
Bill O'Keefe III
Bill O'Keefe III
Joe Clark

On February 4th, the Nichols Fire Department proudly welcomed Senior Firefighter Steve Lambrinakos and celebrated the promotions of Bill O’Keefe III to Captain and Joe Clark to Assistant Chief, Commissioner Mark Schroeder officiated the swearing-in ceremony, honoring their dedication and service to the community. Congratulations to all!

Commissioner Freyer Swears In Jr. Firefighter, Daniel Vindas - January 7, 2025

On January 7, 2025, Commissioner Patrick Freyer swears in 16 years old Junior Firefighter Daniel Vindas at the January 2025 Fire Department monthly meeting. In 2024, the Nichols Fire Department swore in eleven recruits for which we are very thankful.

Remember: Odd hours, No Pay, Cool Hats!

NFD's Engine 305 is Completed! - December 12, 2024

On December 21, 2021 Nichols Fire District issued a Purchase Order to Seagrave Fire Apparatus for a new pumper to replace our 41 year old Hahn pumper.

Today December 12, 2024, nearly 3 years later to the day, 6 members of the NFD travelled to Clintonville, Wisconsin for the final inspection of Engine 305. This new truck will soon be making it’s way east to Nichols. Pictured left to right: Seagrave salesman Joe Brefere, NFD Commissioner Patrick Freyer, NFD past Chief and Truck Committee Chairman Ray Franko, Deputy Chief Rob Tomas, Chief Jason Mumbach, Engineer Ryan Bogen and Past Assistant Chief John DelVento.

The Jingle Bell Run & The NIA Tree Lighting, December 8, 2024

On December 8, 2024, the Nichols Fire Deptment once again provided vehicles and manpower to support the NIA Jingle Bell Run. The event was a great success, contributing to the vibrant spirit of the community.
Also on December 8, 2024, the community gathered for the Annual Tree Lighting on the NIA Green, featuring a heartwarming musical performance by the Hillcrest Choraleers. The highlight of the evening was a visit from Santa courtesy of the NFD’s Ladder 304, who delighted children and adults alike with his festive cheer and holiday spirit. delivered 

New Updates on the New Nichols Fire Department Engine 305

We are pleased to announce that as of November 17th, The new NFD pumper is taking shape! Stay tuned for more updates!

The Swearing In of Chief Jason Mumbach - November 5, 2024

On November 5, 2024, Commissioner Mark Schroder swears in the new Nichols Fire Department Chief Jason Mumbach, (r.)  along with three new recruits. (Above l. to r.) Commissioner Chairman Patrick Freyer, newly appointed Fire Chief, Jason Mumbach, Commissioner Carmine DeFeo, newly sworn in firefighter, Connor Morin, newly sworn in firefighter, Shan Lupercio, newly sworn in firefighter, Brett Franko, Commissioner Mark Schroeder, Outgoing Chief, Brian McGovern.

Nichols Fire Department - Open House - October 6, 2024

NFD welcomed more than 500 Nichols Fire Taxpayers and their families to our annual open house held at Station 1 at 100 Shelton Road on Sunday October 6, 2024. Parents and their children were able to collect NFD fire hats, do color drawings related to fire prevention, learn how to use a fire extinguisher, try their skill working a real fire hose, crawl through our training building, witness the extinguishment of a car fire and a grill fire, learn CPR  and the ever popular “touch a truck.” Participants were also able to enjoy hot dogs, donuts and apple cider. Thanks for coming! Hope you took a pumpkin home!

Update on the New Nichols Fire Dept Engine 305

We are pleased to announce that as of September 26th, there is lots of progress on the new NFD pumper! Stay tuned for more updates!

Work On Our New Truck Has Finally Begun!

On December 21, 2021 and, after a Special Meeting of the Nichols Fire taxpayers, a Purchase Order was sent to Seagrave Fire Apparatus of Clintonville WI to order a new Engine for our Station 1. The Pumper was due to be delivered in February of 2023. The Covid outbreak along with supply chain issues and manpower shortages have delayed delivery of this apparatus for many months. We were notified by Seagrave that production commenced on August 2, 2024 and we hope to see this much needed piece by this Thanksgiving.

Best Appearing Apparatus Trophies in 2024

Many members of the NFD Parade Committee have been hard at work
cleaning, polishing and detailing our Squad 309 that lives at Nichols Fire Station #2. As a result, Nichols has won 3 “Best Appearing Apparatus” trophies at parades in Thomaston, Bridgewater and Beacon Hose. The plan is to attend 1 more parade and hope to win the “State Championship Award “ for the 2024 Parade Season.
Pride in our ride!

NFD 309 Award Winner at Bridgewater Parade - August 16, 2024

On August 16, The Nichols Fire Department attended the Bridgewater Fire Department Fair and Parade. Squad 309 came home with its third “Best Appearing Apparatus” trophy this season! Thank you to the Bridgewater Fire Department for hosting another great night! Also congratulations to the other in town departments, Trumbull Center and Long Hill for each taking home trophies for the apparatus that they brought!

NFD Remembering Past NFD Members - May 24, 2024

As tradition has it, each year just prior to Memorial Day members of the Nichols Fire Department gather at The Nichols Village Cemetery and place flags next to the headstones of past NFD members.

Pictured (l. to r.) A/C Jason Mumbach, FF John Sheehan, Chief Brian McGovern, LT Matt Taormina, Past Commissioners, Rick Perochio, Len Szustak and Craig Thompson

NFD Annual Awards Ceremony - March 9, 2024

On March 9, 2024 Nichols Fire Department held it’s Annual Awards Dinner at the Waterview Banquet Hall in Monroe, Connecticut. Attendees included NFD members, their spouses, family, friends and significant others along with members of Trumbull Center Fire Department, Long Hill Fire Department and Trumbull EMS. The evening included a cocktail hour, dinner, build your own sundaes and was followed with the awards presentation and dancing. We share a few photos of the award recipients with a “thank you for your service” and a Congratulations to all!


NFD Brings Santa to the NIA Tree Lighting - December 8, 2023

Spirits were bright and merry at the NIA on Sunday night for the annual tree lighting. Santa was brought to the event complements of the NFD. It’s officially the holiday season now!


Pics courtesy of Kyle Norton Photography

NFDs Open House - October 8, 2023

Nichols Fire Department welcomes young and old at their Annual Open House on October 8, 2023.

NFDs 9/11 Rememberance - September 11, 2023


On a warm hazy morning on September 11th, 2023, members of the Nichols Fire Department take the time to remember those who have fallen on that day 22 years ago. The commemoration began with the rolling out of the trucks at 9:45, the lowering of the station flag at half-mast at 10:06, a one-minute siren and three sets of five bells at 9:59 to remember the collapse of the South Tower and a one-minute siren and three sets of five bells to remember the collapse of the North Tower. The commemoration concluded with the station flag being raised and the presentation of the wreath near the flagpole. A salute to the wreath and a one-minute stay at attention concluded the memorial.


NFD's 309 Trophy Winner at the Bridgewater Parade - August 18, 2023

The Parade Squad,  led by LT Detuzzi brought home the “best appearing apparatus ” trophy at the Bridgewater Parade held August 18, 2023. MANY members spent hours scrubbing, polishing and waxing even during the actual parade just prior to the “judging station”. This exercise encourages members to participate in “extra’ activities that spawns comradery and pride in the Nichols Fire Department. Congrats to all! 

From left to right: Commissioner Patrick Freyer, Mike Duva, Lucas Taormina, Theresa DeCesare, Lt. Scott Detuzzi

NFD Annual Awards Ceremony - March 9, 2024

On March 9, 2024 Nichols Fire Department held it’s Annual Awards Dinner at the Waterview Banquet Hall in Monroe, Connecticut. Attendees included NFD members, their spouses, family, friends and significant others along with members of Trumbull Center Fire Department, Long Hill Fire Department and Trumbull EMS. The evening included a cocktail hour, dinner, build your own sundaes and was followed with the awards presentation and dancing. We share a few photos of the award recipients with a “thank you for your service” and a Congratulations to all!


NFD Brings Santa to the NIA Tree Lighting - December 8, 2023

Spirits were bright and merry at the NIA on Sunday night for the annual tree lighting. Santa was brought to the event complements of the NFD. It’s officially the holiday season now!


Pics courtesy of Kyle Norton Photography

NFDs Open House - October 8, 2023

Nichols Fire Department welcomes young and old at their Annual Open House on October 8, 2023.

NFDs 9/11 Rememberance - September 11, 2023


On a warm hazy morning on September 11th, 2023, members of the Nichols Fire Department take the time to remember those who have fallen on that day 22 years ago. The commemoration began with the rolling out of the trucks at 9:45, the lowering of the station flag at half-mast at 10:06, a one-minute siren and three sets of five bells at 9:59 to remember the collapse of the South Tower and a one-minute siren and three sets of five bells to remember the collapse of the North Tower. The commemoration concluded with the station flag being raised and the presentation of the wreath near the flagpole. A salute to the wreath and a one-minute stay at attention concluded the memorial.


NFD Congratulates Two New Certified Firefighters - April 27, 2023


On Thursday April 27, 2023, two of our NFD Probationary firefighters graduated from the 2023 Spring Firefighter 1 Class and became certified firefighters. We take this opportunity to congratulate Firefighter Theresa DeCesare and Firefighter Brian Carrafiello (both shown in the center of the picture). Additionally, Brian received the “Instructors Choice Award” (right) out of the Class of ’23 candidates.

We are all NFD proud!


A New Chief is Sworn In at the January Monthly Meeting - January 3, 2023

Fire Commissioner Patrick Freyer swears in new Fire Chief Brian McGovern at the January 3rd Nichols Fire Department meeting. Outgoing Chief Ray Franko looks on.

Commissioner Freyer thanked Chief Franko for his two years serving as Chief. Ray Franko joined NFD at 16 years old and worked his way up to Chief in the Department.  

Quite an accomplishment.

We are all proud!


NIA Christmas Tree Lighting - December 4, 2022


Arriving in style on NFD’s Pierce 107 foot ladder truck. Santa looks like he’s reaching for the moon.


Santa by the NIA Christmas tree.


The NFD delivered the big guy to the NIA Christmas tree lighting ceremony bringing smiles to all. Here he is with Commissioner Patrick Freyer.

NFD Open House - October 16, 2022

Nichols Fire Department welcomes young and old at their Annual Open House on October 16, 2022

Commissioners Attend Emergency Management Field Day

Commissioners Schroeder and Freyer in Westport

On September 19, 2022 Commissioners Freyer and Schroeder attended the Department of Emergency Management Region 1 Field Day at Sherwood Island State Park in Westport, CT

There were approximately 40 displays that demonstrated various equipment available to the Region in the event of a “ major” event such as a hazmat spill, major fire, plane crash or hurricane to name a few. Displays included a Communications center vehicle ( pictured left ) the bomb squad, a helicopter for search and rescue, and a decontamination trailer and many others. The event was attended by Chiefs, EMS, Commissioners, Along with State and local representatives including Trumbull’s First Select Women. A well attended informative day!

A Word from Commissioner Patrick Freyer

Training Today for Tomorrow’s Incidents

Nichols Fire Department trains every Thursday night. Training sessions range from donning SCBA gear to practicing car extrication.

Recently I attended 2 of the more real-life situations that can occur. On February 10th, Nichols firefighters practiced ice rescue at Pinewood Lake. In this case a “suited up” victim gets into the lake and calls for help. On a rotating basis, each firefighter dons their protective gear and goes out on the ice with the ice rescue sled to save the victim.

On March 10th, Nichols firefighters were able to “smoke up” the entire interior of a house soon to be demolished. A victim was placed inside the house. Firefighters climbed ladders, breached windows, and did a lifelike search and rescue. Our thanks to the homeowner. (You know who you are)

The point here is quite simple; being a volunteer firefighter is not just showing up for calls. Training is an important requirement. The March session had 17 firefighters training more than 3 hours on their own time so they can be ready today, for a call tomorrow.

Pinewood Lake
House Slated for Demolition

Fire Department and Commission Members Participate in the Jingle Bell Run on December 4, 2021

On Saturday December 4, 2021 members of the Nichols Fire Department and the Nichols Fire Commission participated in the Jingle Bell run to raise awareness of the constant need for new members for this volunteer organization. Department members donned their turn out gear and SCBA ( breathing apparatus packs) adding 60 pounds to the challenge.
7 started and 7 finished.
Congrats to all and thank you for your service!
Commissioner Freyer
Commissioner Patrick Freyer

Chris Briganti Sworn In as Senior Firefighter on October 5, 2021

Commissioner Patrick Freyer swears in Chris Briganti as a Senior Firefighter at the October 5th Fire Department monthly meeting.

    Commissioner Freyer                  Chris Briganti

Nichols Fire Department Honors June 30, 2021 as Barbara Plofkin Day

Nichols Fire Department honors
Barbara Plofkin for 21 years as a Commissioner and 9 years as District Treasurer.

A Proclamation was read by First Selectman Vicki Tesoro which makes June 30, 2021 Barbara Plofkin Day.


Barbara Plofkin                  Vicki Tesoro

Nichols Fire Dept gathered to “pitch fork in”

At 8 am  on 4/17/21 members of the Nichols Fire Dept gathered to “pitch fork in” ( pun intended) at Stations 1 and 2 with mulch spreading. Always trying to keep the Fire Tax payers property looking good. Many thanks to these Volunteers for their service in many different ways.

Chief Franko is Sworn In as New NFD Chief

Trumbull, Conn. – At Nichols Fire Department Station 1, Commissioner Patrick Freyer swears in Nichols Fire department new Chief Raymond Franko at the monthly Department meeting January 5, 2021. Chief Franko replaces Chief Kingsbury who stepped down as NFD Chief on December 31, 2020

Chief Kingsbury to Step Down

TRUMBULL, Conn.—The Nichols Fire Department announced on December 31st, 2020 that Fire Chief Andrew Kingsbury will be stepping down as Chief, and that Assistant Fire Chief Raymond Franko will be taking over the reins in January. Deputy Chief John DelVento will remain as Deputy Chief and assist Chief Franko in the transition.

“I am proud of the accomplishments we have been able to achieve as a department” Kingsbury said. “The fleet was in pretty rough shape when I took over. We have been able to replace our Aerial Ladder and Squad, complete a much needed training facility behind Fire Headquarters, and expand our bays at the Booth Hill Road station. We are also ushering in a state of the art radio system.” “Asst Chief Franko does have a few challenges in front of him still” stated Kingsbury. “Our Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus need to be replaced in 2021, and we still have a front line pumper that will be 40 years old, that needs to be replaced also. I am confident that Chief Franko and his staff will be able to accomplish those goals and much more”.

Chief Kingsbury has been Fire Chief in Nichols for the last 4 years, prior to that he was Fire Chief in Westport for 6 years where he spent 30 years as a career firefighter. Like Kingsbury, Chief Franko has been in numerous leadership roles within the Nichols Fire Department, serving in most positions, he started with the department in 1986. Chief Franko’s father was also a firefighter in Nichols, serving as a Lieutenant with the department.

Fire Commission Chairman Patrick Freyer plans to swear-in Chief Franko during next Tuesday’s monthly meeting January 5th, 2021. “I am glad Asst. Chief Franko has accepted the challenge and I echo Chief Kingsbury’s confidence in his leadership. Chief Kingsbury looks forward to having some free time “ the Commissioner exclaimed. “I have a lot of home improvement projects to get caught up on” Kingsbury added. He will continue his duties as Deputy Emergency Management Director for the Town of Trumbull and teaching as an adjunct instructor for the Connecticut Fire Academy.

Nichols Fire Dept's New Squad 309

Nichols Fire Department’s new Squad 309 is a 2020 Pierce Enforcer Heavy-Duty Rescue Pumper.   

  • 1500 GPM Pump
  • 750 gallon Water Tank 
  • 20 gallon Foam Tank 
  • Cummins Diesel 450 hp L9 Engine
  • Ground Ladders
  • Hard Suction
  • Full Complement of Hose
  • Hurst eDraulic Extrication Equipment

Tax Collector

Nichols residents who have questions or concerns regarding fire taxes are asked to contact our official Nichols Fire District tax collector. Please DO NOT call 911 or the Trumbull Regional Dispatch Center regarding fire tax inquiries.

Tax Collector Office Phone: 203-378-0450

Using the same system as the Town of Trumbull, Nichols Fire District Taxpayers now have a quick and convenient way to pay their Fire District Tax. You can view and pay bills and see payment information for tax purposes.

View and Pay Taxes: Note: Payments made online will be reflected the following day.


Founded in 1917, the Nichols Fire Department is one of three 100% all volunteer departments in the town of Trumbull, Connecticut. Operating out of two stations, we provide primary fire and rescue services to the Nichols Fire District along with assistance to the Trumbull Center and Long Hill Fire Departments. We also provide coverage to the surrounding communities and beyond.. We are dedicated to serving the Town of Trumbull and will continue to do so for years to come